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Navigating the SERP: Key Factors to Boost Your Google Rankings

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a natural way to increase brand awareness and generate more leads online. However, before you can do this, you must find an effective way to rank top in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), whether by opting to seo packages for small business or something else. 

Are you tired of optimizing your page but haven’t been able to succeed yet? Well, maybe there’s something wrong with what you’re doing. Know what could possibly be and improve your Google rankings with these five key factors below. 

Quality Content

People are searching to answer their inquiries, so by not having quality content that will suffice your audience queries, then why should google put you in the rank spot? This is exactly why if you want to boost your ranking, then start paying more attention to original, relevant, and helpful content on your page. 

If you’re having a hard time doing this, X Digital Media is here to give you the SEO service and write excellent content for you!

Effectively Execution of Keywords

Although SEO varies over time, keyword research and the way they are applied are still among the most effective ones to get one’s content to rank on Google. It will help you to effectively find and connect with your audience. 

Through the use of various keywords, it helps search engines understand what your website is all about or simply index your page. 

Giving Attention to User Experience

Google does not only measure click-through rate but also the dwell time of your page visitors. And you can’t excel on this one if you don’t focus on your user experience. Even if you have quality content, if your actual site is to navigate or perhaps have a slow page load, then chances are they would still leave right away. 

Technical SEO

Regular audits of your platform using an SEO tool would point to any technical problem that may impede the ranking. Such problems include broken links and images, the presence of duplicate content, as well as the existence of web pages that are unavailable to search engines. 

Thus, by opting for technical solutions, you can ensure the smooth running of your website and its comprehensibility by search engines.

Mobile Usability

Another thing to focus on if you want to boost your ranking is mobile usability. Because over 60% of the website traffic comes from, it is only reasonable to create content or make your website in general easy to navigate for mobile users. 

Backlink Quality

To be in the top result pages in Google you don’t have to do all the work on your website alone. Pay attention also to high-quality backlinks that signal Google about the relevance and value of your content. 

It proves your page’s authoritativeness, which is one of the components of Google’s Search Quality Evaluators Guidelines (SQEG).

Website Security

Aside from the on-page and off-page ways to work on your rankings, you must not forget to consider the security of your website. For instance, with the use of HTTPS, you can protect your data information in the best way possible. This adds a padlock symbol to your address bar, boosting user trust. 

As important as cheap SEO services you must also invest in your security as it’s also something Google pays attention to when ranking different websites, which means it can help you gain an SEO boost.

Boost Your Ranking

With all of these key factors in navigating SERP, you’re definitely on your way to boosting your Google rankings. But to truly take things to the next level, opt for a reliable marketing platform that is suitable regardless if you’re a startup or an established business. 

Struggling to rank on Google? Visit X Digital Media today for affordable SEO services for small businesses and watch your ranking climb!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is SERP and its importance?

SERP is a Search Engine Results Page; it is the list of websites you receive after typing in a query into Google. The higher your ranking on the SERP, the more people see your website, which means more brand visibility and more users for your website.

How important is quality content for SEO?

Content is important because it is like the foundation to be relevant to Google by answering people’s inquiries.